Download robotc
Download robotc

download robotc download robotc

IMPORTANT NOTE: You may have to reverse a motor, depending on how it is positioned on the robot.Ĥ.

download robotc

In the "Type" drop-down, select what type of motor or sensor you are using. Enter a name for the motor and/or sensor beside the correct port number. You will have many tabs to choose from, to setup the motor ports, navigate to the "Motors" tab, for Analog Sensors, navigate to the "VEX 2.0 Analog Sensors 1-8" tab, etc.ģ. Go to "Robot > Motors and Sensors Setup"Ģ. Essentially, make sure your robot has at least a chassis with motors on it before you start programming!ġ.

#Download robotc code#

If you do not setup these motors, it will be a pain to change all of your motor names in your entire code once that is done. The first thing you should do with any RobotC code, is setup your motors and sensors, so that we can begin to program a drive. If these values are changed incorrectly, your program WILL NOT work! Motor and Sensor Setup: IMPORTANT NOTE: When first opening the Competition Template, do not change ANY values, unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing. To open your first competition template, where we will do all of the programming, go to "File > New > Competition Template". Once this has been selected, we are ready to start programming a competition template! Opening your first Competition Template: To do so, go to "Robot > Platform Type > VEX Robotics > VEX 2.0 Cortex". The first thing we need to do, after activating the license, is to make sure that the proper platform is selected. *Click images to enlarge* Selecting the right platform:

Download robotc